Effortless golf swing choices to find the effortless golf swing that is suited to you and your body is such an overlooked factor.

There is not one way to have an effortless golf swing as you get older but if you chase the wrong rabbit as it were, you will lose distance and your swing speed will slow down as well as have poor consistency. It’s all dependent on the flexibility you have or don’t have and where your limitations may be.

Having golf swing rotation on the backswing is one way to do it.

Allowing the arms to swing with freedom and making adjustment in the set up to allow hip rotation and a bigger backswing without restriction.

But the problem is, it can be harder to make a golf swing transition if you lack speed and mobility so you can’t fire the hips or get open in your golf swing sequence. This is a common problem for older and senior golfers, in fact it’s a challenge for many amateur club golfers no matter the age.

The alternative is a short golf swing that is efficient and requires less flexibility and timing.

Short backswing with steeper and shallowing but the the key is a pre set open stance.
This makes it easier to make a through swing with less restriction.

Maximize SHORT Backswing Golf Swing | Tilt With Flow For Accurate Speed For ANY Golfer https://youtu.be/mJjU0Y-J_FE
Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing

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