Be alongside 38,456 Golfers Who utilize The Art of Simple Golf methods to Gain Distance, Increase Accuracy, Lower their Handicap, and Have More Fun Playing Consistent Golf!
What’s The AOSG Difference?
What’s The AOSG Difference?
What Exactly Is The Difference Between The Art of Simple Golf Club (ASOG) and The Others?
What Exactly Is The Difference Between The Art of Simple Golf Club (ASOG) and The Others?
SIMPLE and EASIER to Understand as well as Execute, Step-By-Step Golf Instruction that you can apply…
It’s a minefield out there and our goal is to make all our trainings succint, effective, and easy to understand.
Why is that so important?
According to data from the National Golf Foundation, only 26 percent of all golfers shoot below 90 consistently on regulation 18-hole courses; 45 percent of all golfers average more than 100 strokes per round.
Why is this the case? Why do so many struggle to get better?
We have seen too many people who:
You and I both know there is a lot of golf instruction on the internet that is “misguided” at best, and downright destructive at worst.
Confusing, fragmented instruction from too many “talking heads” leads to information overload and poor results. You don’t want that!

No obligations, no contracts, cancel at any time.
your questions answered on live online workshops
your questions answered on live online workshops

Each month, you can attend our LIVE, 100% content-rich, real-world workshops from the comfort of your own home (you also get the recordings!).
There will be tactical instruction, hot seats, swing reviews and Q&A where all your questions will be answered.
Plus, there will be some special guest instructors who are teaching professionals that work with people just like you.
These guests have nothing to sell or pitch.. they’ll simply come on and rip open their years of golf teaching experience and how they are getting their students to have more fun on the course, swinging easier, scoring better and we make sure they simplify everything they say..
You’ll see demonstrations, on video, drills and techniques you can use at home or on the practice tee to help you solve the specific issues that are keeping you from playing your best golf.
Every live event has a different “theme.” Even if you’re unsure what you should be working on, you’ll still get plenty of advice, tips, and drills you can apply to your game.
Personalized Swing Feedback
Personalized Swing Feedback
You get customized swing feedback every month from a top SIMPLE golf coach who has been approved and tested and proven as well as being a certified PGA Professional with decades of experience.
You’ll get a step-by-step explanation on how to actually eliminate your biggest flaws even if everything else you’ve tried has failed.
Provide proven “drills and feels” each month that will help you improve any aspect of your golf swing.

here’s a sneak peek into some of what you get:
here’s a sneak peek into some of what you get:
In Less Than 10 Minutes, You Could Be On Your Way to Solid Ball Striking, Laser Accuracy, Greater Distance, More Consistency, and a LOWER Handicap…Guaranteed!

I’ve not only enjoyed following Alex’s program but his support, tips and coaching was very helpful and enjoyable too.I played quite well in my first tournament finishing in 8th and I have managed to get an invitation to play in my first challenge tour event in Belgium. I can’t wait!.

I’ve known Alex for almost 20 years as a friend, a fellow club and amatuer golfer, pro and coach. We’ve had lot’s of fun and challenges on and off the course. Over the years his support, guidance and keen eye for my swing and knowledge of golf and training has played a significant part in my success.
He’s a little anti – golf industry and his stuff works

I love The Art of Simple Golf & Alex Fortey. Alex is so nice and he strives to “uncomplicate” the baffling sport of golf. I had a horrible day of golf yesterday, even though I have been golfing in the 80’s most of last year (only my 2nd time out this year). Thinking about my game last night, I concluded I must have been moving my trail shoulder toward the ball and pushing it way too early. The thought occurred to me that I needed to try to hold my shoulder back at the start and drop it under. Then, oila! I see this video clearing everything up. So, I go from considering selling my clubs to not being able to wait until I play again.
Thank you

Your club is awesome its already brought me down from a 14 to a 9. If I can get consistency with my driver I’ll blow the field away. My best already a 67 off a 10 handicap.

Applied these simple tips and felt lots better and was hitting through the ball. Clear thoughts about target and less about the mechanics of swinging has given me a lot more accuracy both off the tee and with my irons, thanks fella.

Purchased on Wednesday, played on Friday and shot just 10 over! Normally I’m 15-16 over but the driving was great using these tips and I hit it straighter than normal. Thanks so much”

So I took some of your simple tips out to the course yesterday and was surprised at how much distance i got out of not trying or thinking of positions of the swing. My swing was a lot smoother and i needed little effort to gain more distance and I was a lot more accurate with my shots. I played several balls with each shot and every time i applied your tips the result was a lot better. I’m currently starting to teach my wife this great game and i will be going down this road for her lessons, as it’s a lot easier to learn and a lot less stress on the body… Keep up the great work mate 🙂 Cheers

Dear Alex, I have been attempting to play Golf for over 55 years and at my best played off 7. I am currently a very bad 13 struggling to play off 23 !! However,I wish I had come across your teachings years ago !! At the moment I am only ” Paper Trading ” as it were in my back garden,but already I can feel the Potential and really look forward to going firstly to the Driving Range and then The Course in the hope that even at 69 yo I have a chance of playing close to 13 or better. P.S. I’ll let you know how I get on in a month or two ( whether or not you want to !! )

All I can say is I have never struck the ball as solidly time after time with all my different clubs. I only played one round (today) and shot 81 which is about 7 strokes better than my average score. I’m really looking forward to downloading the rest of leries so I can really take them with me to the course.
By the way, I also purchased your “Deadly from 100 Yards” DVD.s about three months ago and love them as well.
Thanks and I look forward to finally breaking 80 consistently

Yesterday I shot 78 which is the first time I have broken 80 since my earlier years playing good golf. My current handicap is 14 but my goal is now to get back to a low single digit which I now firmly believe I can do. Of course I don’t play the back tees anymore but still play the men’s regular tees so I haven’t given in to the “Sr. tees” yet. This is why what you are doing is so important for golf. Keep it going and I wish you the best of luck. Thanks.

No obligations, no contracts, cancel at any time.
Consult your doctor prior to any training within our products, videos, or website. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. By using our training, you understand that the information in our products are based on our training experience only and is not professional medical advice. Consult your doctor prior to any training within our products, videos, or website.
The Art of Simple Golf Club | All Rights Reserved | 2024