I know you want to learn a simple golf swing that produces results and that’s why the mission of The Art of Simple Golf is going so well… Because so many of you are just fed up of over complication and difficult swing mechanics that are meant to help your play better golf. It’s just not working.

With that in mind, when I discovered the teachings of Julian I wanted to share some great points of his that will hopefully give you a jolt in the simple golf swing and “Natural golf” direction. Now I will let him take it from here but apply these simple golf swing tips and you will be feeling free in your own swing and more importantly, be more consistent. Take it away Julian…
A Question I frequently as my clients is , if I were a complete beginner and it just so happens that my set up seems ok what pieces of advice would you give me to improve my golf swing?

I get a few varied replies but these 4 remain constant.

• Keep your head down.
• Keep your left arm straight on your backswing.
• Keep your left foot on the floor in the takeaway.
• Keep your eye on the ball as you hit it.

So my questions to you are, do they serve you well? are they good pieces of advice? Do they improve your Golf?

I’m pretty certain you will answer yes to these questions so I’d like you explore something different for me!!

Set up to your shot as normal, and hit the ball with your eyes closed!! Repeat a few times and see what happens.

Next I’d like you to hit a few shots allowing your LEFT ARM to soften in the backswing.

I’d then like you to hit a few shots allowing your LEFT HEEL to lift in the back swing,
Which will look something like this.

And the finally I would like you to hit a few shots looking away from the ball prior to impact like so.

All of these exercises should be done with little to NO EFFORT and all I’m asking you to do is see what happens to your shots.

Now you may think I’m crazy asking you to do this but there is a serious point to it. You see modern teaching is all about Mechanics and Techniques, Measuring devices have become the norm and so to have teaching aids, just like these

But do they really allow you to swing naturally?

“The current science-based understanding that we humans don’t learn well when Teachers over – complicate their subject, we help identify and get rid of debilitating techniques that are not apt for you and your body.”


The golf swing is a flowing movement and not a series of positions pieced together, to be successful you need these 6 big things

  •  Turning
     Weight shift
     Coordination
     Rhythm
     Balance
     Souplesse

With these in mind I’m going to ask a few more questions.

• Can you turn freely if your head and left foot are static?
• Can your weight shift from one foot to the other?
• If one part of your body is moving and another still would this appear to be coordinated?
• Would your swing have rhythm or wood it look wooden?
• Would you be swinging in balance or would you be swinging to stay in balance?
• And finally would you swing with Souplesse?

If you were to describe a really nice golf swing in a few words I would imagine you’d use ones like easy, effortless, flowing, simple, rhythmical etc etc, and if you were to describe a bad swing you’d maybe use words like , tight, full of effort, too fast, uncoordinated, tense etc etc am I right?
With this in mind, why is it OK to take away somebody’s natural swing and replace it with mechanics, something that feels totally unnatural, Creating positions within a golf swing leads to tension, tension leads to effort and effort results in bad golf swings.

I’ve been a PGA Professional for almost 30 years , I strived to be a tour professional but never made the grade, I was taught by one of the most successful coaches in the world and constantly worked on my swing believing that positioning my swing was the only way to get better and be consistent.

I’ve now realised how debilitating my old philosophy was. I now hit the ball further, straighter and with little effort, I absolutely love playing the game, it’s fun and I’m no longer shattered by the end of each round.

Finally can I urge you to swing freely , reduce tension, reduce effort and Stop believing all that you read, allow your natural swing to shine and leave your technical swing in the garage with all the clubs that you no longer use.


Julian Mellor
PGA Professional

Julian Mellor PGA Professional , Positive Impact Golf Coach.
If you have any questions please contact us and we will connect.