The Pro Move: Mastering the Right Arm Position for More Power and Accuracy in Your Golf Swing

A golf pro owes much of their consistency and power in their swing in large part to the trail arm function and one crucial, yet simple key that 95% golfers would see improvement with.

Golfers, today we’re diving into a critical yet often overlooked aspect of your swing: the position and flex of the right arm. Understanding and tweaking this can significantly enhance your power and accuracy. Let’s break it down.

The Key to a Powerful Swing

“I’m going to show you two swings, and I want you to tell me which one you think is going to deliver more power, more accuracy,” I say, demonstrating two nearly identical swings. Did you catch the subtle difference? The position and flex of the right arm between those swings is what separates pro golfers from struggling amateurs.

Understanding the right arm’s role can remedy common issues and unlock newfound power in your game.

“One of the biggest differences between pro golfers, good golfers, and struggling amateurs is the position of the right arm.”

The Challenge: Flex in the Right Arm

Many golfers aspire for a wide takeaway, thinking it ensures a powerful, long swing. However, if the right arm collapses too much, it leads to inefficiency and inconsistency. When the right arm folds excessively during the backswing and extends forcibly during the downswing, it results in a casting action, losing much power and accuracy.

“Struggling amateurs often let the right arm collapse, thinking it needs to generate more force. This variable in the swing causes inconsistency.”

What Happens When You Collapse the Right Arm?

  • Inconsistent Backswing: An overly bent right arm creates a narrow swing, leading to an inconsistent backswing and steep angle of attack.
  • Loss of Power: The subsequent casting action causes loss of stored energy, reducing power.
  • Misalignment: Misalignment and timing issues arise, making the swing inefficient.

The Solution: Creating and Maintaining Width

So, how do we fix this? It’s all about creating and maintaining the right width throughout the swing.

“When I swing to the top and allow this trail arm to fold a bit too much, it gets narrow. The key is to push the right arm out and extend it almost as straight as possible.”

The Mechanics of a Better Swing

  • Extend the Right Arm: Think of pushing your right arm away, not lifting up. This creates a stretching action from your central pivot.
  • Left Arm Goes Along for the Ride: As you push the right arm away, the left arm naturally follows. This harmony between arms creates a more structured, powerful swing.

“Stretching the right arm naturally reduces unnecessary folds and creates consistent power.”

Drill #1: Resistance Band Warm-Up

Here’s a drill to cement this feeling:

  1. Use a resistance band: Grip it a few inches apart and create tension between your left and right hands.
  2. Simulate the Backswing: Pull the band apart, feeling the stretch as you make your backswing.
  3. Practice Consistently: Incorporate this drill into your warm-up routine to build muscle memory.

“Using a resistance band, you can feel the stretch and maintain the width, avoiding the collapse of the right arm.”

Drill #2: The Glove Technique

No band? No problem! Use your golf glove:

  1. Attach the Glove: Secure your glove to your left hand using the Velcro.
  2. Simulate the Pull: Pull your left arm along with the right arm, maintaining width and stretch.
  3. Practice with the Club: You can also attach the glove to your club shaft and perform the same motion.

“Even on the course, you can simulate this stretch using just your glove, ensuring consistent width.”

Making It Work in Your Swing

Once you’ve nailed these drills and gotten a feel for the right arm’s extended position, incorporate it into your actual swing. Remember, the goal is a slight bend but predominantly extended right arm throughout the backswing and transition.

“With a little practice and these drills, you’ll notice a significant improvement in power and accuracy. This is a pro move, but you can master it!”

Ready for the Course?

Practice these drills regularly, and when you’re out on the course, use the glove technique as a quick refresher. By consciously working on getting that right arm straighter with less fold, you’ll see your ball striking and consistency improve.

Final Thoughts: Pro Moves for Amateurs

Mastering the right arm’s positioning and flex is a game-changer. It’s subtle but massively effective. Set aside time to practice the drills, integrate the technique into your swing, and enjoy the newfound power and accuracy.

Related Tips

Check out this lesson next to discover how you don’t need a huge turn in your golf swing. It’s shorter and easier than you think!

Keep practicing, and see you next time!


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