Simple Golf Tip For Consistency – Golf Swing Reaction; Look, Step and Swing

Can the golf swing be more of a reaction as opposed to a movement you have to think about from a static position?

Can it be more akin to a natural movement that we would perform in dozens of things in an everyday basis?

It might go against pretty much everything you have been told and what you see regularly with your golf playing partners and the range rats who stand frozen over the ball at address riddled with about 6 swing thoughts to try and execute a golf shot… But… golf, when you focus on the correct things can be a natural

Golf is a reactionary sport.

Not just in relation to the target (flag or fairway) but a simple golf swing is a natural reaction to preserve itself and move the body in smooth effortless flow. But I repeat; You have to allow your body to move and swing the club

One of the best and simple golf tips I can give is the sooner you start playing golf when you react to the target and let your swing flow, golf will become a totally different game for you and your scores will drop faster than house prices during a recession.

Take darts for example, if I said to you that if you hit the bullseye I would give you $1000 I am certain that the only thing in your mind would be the red dot in the middle and all your action and focus would be to react to get the dart to hit the target.

You know that you need to aim for something when you’re playing golf, yes? And you know that when you’re on the range, you’re probably thinking about improving your golf swing, trying to hit certain positions, you know, to increase your distance, speed, all this kind of stuff.


Now, what I’m going to tell you now is that you’re really going to revolutionize how you swing and how you play. Now, what it’s basically about is there’s a lot that can go into this, but I’m just giving a pretty quick overview right now.simple golf tip for consistency Alex Fortey

Follow these steps for free flowing reactionary golf.

  1. Pick your target
  2. Visualize the ball flight
  3. Grip your club
  4. Step up to ball into your address and without hesitation, swing.
  5. Watch ball fly to your target after an effortless smooth swing

Pick your target when you’re on the golf course or on the practice range you’ve got it in your mind. You know pretty much where you want to hit it. As soon as you setup to the ball, 95% of you, suddenly then think about your golf swing. You think about the positions that you need to hit in order to create that shot that you want.

So you setup to the ball and you think, “Okay, I’ve got that in my mind, so now I have to make a certain swing from the inside, let’s say, to make that happen.” As soon as you do that, it’s not going to work, because you’ve lost what your body is designed to do, which is react.

If I asked you to throw this ball towards that blue flag just there, you wouldn’t say, “Okay, I’ve got to hinge my wrist, I’ve got to load my right side, in order to get that there.” You’d just do it. You’d have it in your mind and you’d pull the trigger and throw.

The same applies if you want a simple golf swing.

As soon as you take your mind off what you’re trying to do and focus on this to make it happen, it’s not going to happen, at least as not as frequently as you’d like.

So next time you go out and practice, I want you to pick your target, pick where you want to thread that ball to, and then when you setup to it, you can’t pause over the ball too much. Just think, keep that target in your mind, and then swing.

This golf practice technique will make life a lot better for you on the golf course and the simple golf tip will have you swinging with more freedom and reacting to the target that you focus on.

This is golf. Simplified.

Your friend and coach,

Alex Fortey

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