Golf Downswing Sequence: Keep Back to Target for Smooth Power
Golf to hit irons and strike with compression and consistency.
Hi there Simple golf tribe! Today’s golf lesson is about keeping your back to the target even during your downswing and when you do that you will collect the ball with more lag more precision.
It’s very very simple when you know how and you focus on just a couple of simple thoughts to be able to make it consistently and you know confidently every time.
If a good backswing lays the foundation for sound golf technique, then a strong downswing is the heart of your stroke. While many golf instructors advise casual players to keep their swings simple and repeatable, there are a few fundamentals on which any player should focus to develop a solid downswing.
The break 80 plan is broken down into 6 weeks of power packed coaching. Each week is packed with easy to follow instruction, drills, and tips. It’s basically like we’re right there with you on the practice range or course.
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After retiringing from the Army I managed golf courses for the Army and Air Force for 14?years. My knees finally got the best of me and quit managing and play. Just had my 6th knee left knee surgery on 25 March. After all of my surgeries I got back to practicing. But with #5 was a big problem, hyperextension in my knee. I could practice but not play. Now, hyperextension is gone. Signed up for a program similar to your 2 weeks ago for $47.. Then I saw an additional $19 recurring money membership fee.
Is yours different? I like what I’m seeing in your “Free” videos I receive and watch. As soon as my surgeon says I can practice and play I’ll be on the range at Randolph Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.
We are aligned and it’s my program.. but different offer. We are separating the offers and program;) Mine has no recurring. What program were you interested in? Please email