Increase Your Golf Swing Speed Without Hurting Accuracy: Follow The Rope Drill
One of the biggest mistakes golfers make when it comes to trying to increase distance is to try and hit at the ball and hit it harder.
You probably already know that if you increase the lag, it will help you increase your distances because of leverage, your swing speed where it matters the most (through the impact zone) will increase. This swing drill will help you do just that.
Here is your swing thought and drill for more golf swing speed, power and better rhythm…
Don’t Swing at The Golf Ball – Follow The Rope To Increase Your Golf Swing Speed
But too many of you still try and motion at the golf ball from the top of the backswing in what is more like a HIT and the ball instead of a timed swish thorough it.
This swing drill to increase swing speed is not about holding on to lag and angles in your downswing and thinking about positions, its just about the sensation and visualization of the circle, the path and the rhythm of your golf swing to maximize your distances.
When I am on the course I like to apply the follow the rope thought as it helps me maintain smooth rhythm to stay consistent with my accuracy and control my swing speed that is over 125 mph with the driver.
With this this swing thought of following the rope, if you practice the visualization, your timing, swing consistency and accuracy as well as the smooth rhythm the best players and long hitters have will be more likely.
Follow the rope drill is one of the practice drills that Long Drive Champion Jeff Gavin used to give him smooth transitions and swing speed that generated a Drive of 456 yards in a recent tournament. You might not achieve that kind of distance but it will boost your speed for sure.
Hope you enjoyed the video and you will enjoy the results..
This is Golf. Simplified
Your coach.
Alex Fortey
p.s. This video you see above is part of the hugely successful 40 Days Distance Golf System, which gives you 40 drills and lessons to play great, longer hitting golf!
Will try
Hi Alex, You and I have exchanged emails a few different times. Would 40 Days to better golf be a good source for a teacher study and implement into his teaching. I do like your teaching style and instructions.
Alex The Irish Pro
Hi there!
it gives you 40 really effective drills. Some you may know im sure, but it’s the simplicity and easy to follow sequence that builds a swing. Couple that with some of the movements and exercises and it really works. It comes with full money back so you can check it out. Let me know if you have any more questions!